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4 Day 981, 05:11 Published in Denmark Denmark

Dear all, first of all for anyone reading this i would like them to vote this article up with all their orgs and themselves so that i can make it to international and make a big impact. If you can do this i will be greatful.

I am one of those

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Clarifying cabinet

6 Day 980, 06:55 Published in Denmark Denmark

For all those people out there who do not yet know or are not sure this is my cabinet.

President: Carlos
Minister of Foreign Affairs: A. Holst
Minister of War: Grev Per
Minister of health and citizen Services: BNMaarcher
Minister of Finance:

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Great opportunity!

4 Day 963, 04:22 Published in Denmark Denmark

Erep is an ever changing place, old people leave and new people come. That is why i have decided to open up some ministries for the benefit of the young up and comers out there. This will be a great place to start building up your erep CV.

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From the Office of the President

12 Day 960, 08:40 Published in Denmark Denmark

Thank you all who voted for me! I shall try my best to live up to the expectations this country deserves. We have entered a new time within erep, a testing time at which many people will decided to either stay or go. I would like people not only to

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My manifesto

9 Day 951, 03:03 Published in Denmark Denmark

I would like to be president and as such am submitting my draft manifesto early so that questions can be answered and concerns allayed. First of all i think i am experienced enough to take up this challenge, as i have been in erepublik since day 332

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