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About my newspaper

Open Wiki page

My (daniecox's) first newspaper, mainly from when I was in Belgium working against American/EDEN PTOers. It worked, they are now gone back to where they came from. I dropped this newspaper because the articles are not written very well (better now!), and because orgs are being removed for gold. Bye!

Apologies from the land of idiots

21 Day 904, 11:01 Published in Belgium Belgium

The UK don't know what they are doing - I doubt most of congress know why they are voting for an embargo, except for the fact the PM told them to. This all stems from one abrasive, but well-intentioned article which highlighted our PM's lack of

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Just do it

3 Day 894, 12:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

You know you want to.

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Prepare yourselves

4 Day 889, 11:53 Published in Austria Austria

What countries have been, and easily could be PTOed again in Europe?
Which of these countries have very few MPPs?
Where do they connect?
What large powers with no high resources have their eyes on a valuable european region?

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We win :)

5 Day 887, 05:12 Published in Brazil Brazil

1.6 million damage from France's mobile forces in Rhone Alps - more than any other country except Poland, and that's without an MPP!
We won Russia vs Poland + MPPs - twice! Both Pommerania and Brandenburg are Russian, and Poland hasn't got any

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We win :)

8 Day 887, 05:08 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

1.6 million damage from France's mobile forces in Rhone Alps - more than any other country except Poland, and that's without an MPP!
We won Russia vs Poland + MPPs - twice! Both Pommerania and Brandenburg are Russian, and Poland hasn't got any

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