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Pakistan So Far Have Not Signed The Peace Agreement. Brace For The Worst!

16 Day 102, 10:03 Published in Iran Iran

The contract has been up on the forums all day now, and so far the president of pakistan "dio" has not signed it. Now we must prepare for the worst.
This contract is Vital, it determines war basically... or it determines whether pakistan would

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Where have our citizens dissapeared too?

11 Day 102, 03:32 Published in Iran Iran

Yesterday we were at 545 citizens or 550.
12 have died today (fair enough) so that should leave 533 or 538 am i correct...
Then why is it at 528 citizens... anyone have an idea?
Strange... have the norwegians gone back home?

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Why has Turkey given Pakistan huge donations

7 Day 101, 03:10 Published in Iran Iran

This is even more suspicious, Are they forming together against us.....
If so we need to act now!

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New Players To Iran Read

1 Day 100, 14:11 Published in Iran Iran

When you can, try and move to the Zahedan region, Because it looks like paskitan will try to attack us in the future.

But war mode is not enabled untill late march, the best thing to do is work and train every day.. it only takes 5 minutes to

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Forum About Iran War

5 Day 100, 10:33 Published in Iran Iran

A uk citizen has posted on the forum in the military section
and we quote
"Is pakistan preparing for a major war on iran"
The users have even noticed pakistans moves... have a look for yourself
[a url=

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