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Dean Kong for June PM - my Deputy Prime Minister

7 Day 919, 16:34 Published in Australia Australia

Well, since everyone else has already released theirs (apart from SC), I figured I should probably release mine. My chosen Deputy Prime Minister for my cabinet is the honourable Englishman Widdows9000.

Widds, one of my competitors for the

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Dean Kong for June CP - an outline of my policies (outline, not full review)

25 Day 912, 04:57 Published in Australia Australia

Well seing how some of my opponents aren't even aware I'm running, I figure I better post out an article. So here are a few of my outlines regarding military, foreign, internal and financial affairs.

Firstly, a few words about my CP run. First

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Dean Kong for June CP - Cabinet update

7 Day 905, 06:38 Published in Australia Australia

Just a quick update here -
For my cabinet in June I am seeking out new blood for my cabinet roles. One major thing wrong with eAustralia today is that we are lacking in skilled cabinet members as, yes, most of the same people always get into

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Dean Kong for June CP!

11 Day 899, 18:38 Published in Australia Australia

I hereby announce, through the support of many (few) people, my intention to run for the Prime Minister of eAustralia for the June term.

Over the coming weeks I will be constructing my economic, domestic and foreign policies, as well as my

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Indo cannot into eAus CP!

15 Day 896, 18:27 Published in Australia Australia

Even with multi Indo cannot into prime minister.

Failmaxxxx Indo!

Aussi's prevail once again!

Perhaps you'll be able to face in a face-to-face war instead of stabbing our backs with fake peace-proposals, or trying to PTO our country so you

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