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[MoG] Free Game of the Week 6 - Boxhead: The Zombie Wars

3 Day 1,337, 14:29 Published in Japan Japan Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Oh look, my last version of this article got nuked by admins. Snore.

A good gamer is resilient, especially in the face of adversity.

Just ask this guy:

Step off.[/

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[MoG] "Queen" of the Month (July) - Winner

2 Day 1,335, 19:23 Published in Japan Japan Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

The votes have been tallied, and the results are in.

The winner of the July "Queen" of the Month contest is Yuki (Ikeda Yoshinori), from Yubisaki Milk Tea.


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[MoG] "Queen" of the Month (July) - Voting

6 Day 1,332, 14:18 Published in Japan Japan Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Voting has begun for the "Queen" of the Month.

The poll is here:

Remember, only eJapan citizens' votes will only be counted.

The choices are:

Ayasaki Hayate - from Hayate no Gotoku


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[MoG] Free Game of the Week 5 - Ski Runner

6 Day 1,329, 14:59 Published in Japan Japan Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

As always, the Ministry of Gaming is looking to provide you with cheap (free even!) entertainment on a regular basis, and this week is no different.

Today's game is simple and entertaining - just the way I like my women games.


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[MoG] Gamers' Choice - "Queen" of July

3 Day 1,327, 06:11 Published in Japan Japan Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Once again, its a new month and its that magical time - and by magical, I mean trapalicious*.

The Gamers' Choice "Queen" of the Month contest, July edition. That special event where we nominate our favorite crossdressers, traps, transvestites,

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