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Inactivity in Erepublik

16 Day 972, 14:41 Published in USA USA

It's not "2-clicking", It's 12 clicks and 4 scrolls.

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A not really insightful article on V2

11 Day 960, 08:39 Published in USA USA

Here I go, spamming the media again. This is another one of those articles about what's going to happen with V2. It really has no purpose, but make sure you VOTE and SUBSCRIBE, because people have too many subscribers to read anyway, so what's one

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5 Day 958, 20:26 Published in USA USA

Okay, I like getting subscribers, so I have to write articles even though I probably lose them with every article. After not logging on for two days (I got fired...), I heard that V2 was set to release... Tomorrow. This was my reaction.

[21:26] %

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Interview ith SVV

10 Day 953, 21:30 Published in USA USA

[00:25] SVV -and i need a VP who is a workhorse
[00:25] Rhane -That's Claire.
[00:26] SVV- yeah
[00:26] SVV- im going to ride her ass
[00:26] SVV- oh shit that come out wrong
[00:27] Rhane- ...

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You know, I really don't get SEES

13 Day 945, 19:44 Published in USA USA

I don't see what the big hype is over SEES. It seems like a boring party for anyone who's not in the IRC channel. It has been described as "great" and "elite" by someone I know in it. What does that mean? I just don't get it.

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