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Alright, Yeah!

6 Day 420, 17:06 Published in USA USA

Okay, eAmerica, I know times are tough, no one likes Congress, PEACE can't stop its chronic gayness, and my wellness can't go above 71.86 anymore, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun. I'll give you 10 reasons why this New World is awesome.


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Woah, I reached level 16! Amongst other crap

10 Day 413, 16:39 Published in USA USA

I don't know if Level 16 is special, but I got 5 more GOLD, making my net worth 10 GOLD and 221 USD. Now I'm rich and I can't tell what to do with the money.

Does every level get 5 gold? If so, Erepublik owes me 125 GOLD!

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Raising taxes is a good thing

1 Day 409, 22:35 Published in USA USA

Alright. Let me first say this. Erepublik😕= Real life.

Everyone hates paying taxes in real life because they want to spend their money, or they need that money to live. Those taxes go to things you do use, like roads, school, infrastructure,

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New Grain Tax Proposal

6 Day 405, 09:28 Published in USA USA

The Import tax rate was proposed to lower from 99% to around 15%

His duscussion is found here ->

I am for it. Lowering the tariff will lower food prices, which is a plus where I am.

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New Oil Tax Proposal

7 Day 404, 05:52 Published in USA USA

This is what was proposed.

Taxes New Old
Value added tax (VAT) 0% 0%
Import Tax 99% 99%
Income Tax 20% 10%

Income tax from 10-20% is the change.

Current votes(4 hours in)-0 yes:9-no

I think the proposal was a stupid idea. Now that

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