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vote for President or vice President

2 Day 923, 09:48 Published in USA USA

If you might have gathered, i believe that Colin L should be our President. Colin is a player with much experience and a player i have respected from eBirth.
But, ligtreb (running partner of Choc) would be my vote for vice president. I wouldn't

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a interveiw with Colin L

3 Day 922, 09:53 Published in USA USA

asked him a few questions to find out what kind of president he would be. this was a inclusive interveiw.

i aske😛 "what would be your main ambition as President?" and he was a bit unsure so gave me various answers such as: "well..

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take advantage of the useless

3 Day 921, 08:19 Published in USA USA

A life for a new citizen is usually very short and our country gets very little out of there life. If we lower minium wage then companies can take advantage of young helpless citizens and get a greater profit. all of this adds up to more products at

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Jiangxi, my land

5 Day 880, 10:22 Published in USA USA

I, Pearcey333, am running again for congress. I opted yet again to run in Jiangxi. I won narrowly just a mere mounth ago but now i hope for a stronger dominance in the great race for congress.
As a citizen in Jiangxi you must be asking 'why should

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The race for president is on

0 Day 866, 13:08 Published in USA USA

april fools

and only 3 days late

vote and subscribe, thanks.

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