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California State Lottery

5 Day 308, 00:57 Published in USA USA

The State Lottery SO is up and running.
Commissioner Joshua Steel should have the lottery ready to go very soon.
Here is the URL, so add it
We should start selling tickets within the next several days.

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Add these two profiles

0 Day 307, 18:56 Published in USA USA

California Health Service SO -
This will be the state health service sending out regular gifts to citizens once funding is sufficient. We need donations from those who wish to contribute, also some

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Administration Update

3 Day 307, 00:26 Published in USA USA

So far we are building this administration.

Here's everything we have so far-

Lottery Commissioner - Joshua Steel (SO not created yet for Lottery)
Finance Minister - Harry Callahan (SO not created yet)
Secretary of Defense[/

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My Administration (new edits as of 10:29pm)

3 Day 306, 14:58 Published in USA USA

So far here is the departments I am setting up for my administration-

California State Lottery Commission - Controls the State Lottery to be run from an SO administered by myself and Lottery Commissioner Joshua Steel. Tickets will be for

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Job Classifieds

0 Day 306, 13:31 Published in USA USA

Here's the late issue of The Bee's Job Classifieds-

This week I recieved no PMs on help wanted or looking for work.

However, the company I co-own, Bomb the Gifts Industry! is still looking for employees. We have a Health Insurance Plan that

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