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Fellow RfC Members

4 Day 292, 02:28 Published in USA USA

I hate to spam, but I would like to take a second to address fellow members of eRepublikans for Change.
Please donate to the party, I've been sending my extra gold to the party when I have it, we should do what we can to help out our cause, even if

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2 Day 292, 02:20 Published in USA USA

My friends and readers-

I'd like to take a moment to encourage all of you if you have not done so to subscribe to the Bee.

Currently, we are one of the fastest growing papers in eCalifornia in number of subscribers. Help us get to the top 5

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Job Classifieds

0 Day 291, 14:14 Published in USA USA

Here's the first issue of the Sacramento Bee's Job Classifieds Section.

Looking for Work-

Zeppelinhook needs a higher paying job in Housing
Pooya_ya needs a job immediately in any industry.
Hellborn would like a job in any industry.


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New Feature: Job Listings

3 Day 289, 23:34 Published in USA USA

Attention Californians-

If you are in need of a job, I have decided to start at new feature for the Sacramento Bee. We will not post job classifieds once weekly.

If you are unemployed or seeking a new job, please feel free to PM me your name,

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eRepublikans for Change

6 Day 289, 22:28 Published in USA USA

My fellow eRepublikans-

The general election results were appauling. We actually lost seats in congress. We are down to four seats. This is unacceptable. We must increase our voting turnout or the other parties will walk all over us until

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