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Region secured

Zona Sur was secured by Chile in the war versus Spain
Day 6,093, 17:59 (54 minutes ago)

Region under attack

Chile attacked Norte Grande, Poland
Day 6,093, 16:21 (2 hours ago)


Chile made a donation to Casa de Moneda de eChile
Day 6,093, 10:15 (8 hours ago)

Region under attack

Chile attacked Southern Low Amazon, Peru
Day 6,093, 05:40 (13 hours ago)

Region under attack

Chile attacked Central Greece, Japan
Day 6,093, 05:40 (13 hours ago)

Region under attack

Chile attacked Chuquisaca and Tarija, Armenia
Day 6,093, 05:39 (13 hours ago)

Region under attack

Greece attacked Epirus, Chile
Day 6,093, 04:53 (14 hours ago)

Region under attack

Bolivia attacked Pando, Chile
Day 6,093, 04:28 (14 hours ago)

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