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wiki Rank 50


Netherlands World
Active citizens 131 34,689
New citizens today 1 80
Citizenship requests View requests
Average citizen level 361 149
Online now 9 (Who?) 640 (Who?)

Regions (12)

1.94 No direct transport route to the Capital Ajman Details
1.03 No direct transport route to the Capital Cantabria Details
4.26 No direct transport route to the Capital Center West of Brazil Details
No direct transport route to the Capital Kalimantan Details
4.74 No direct transport route to the Capital Louth Details
1.01 No direct transport route to the Capital Marche Details
No direct transport route to the Capital Nazareth North District Details
1.13 No direct transport route to the Capital Nevada Details
4.26 No direct transport route to the Capital North West Province Details
2.23 No direct transport route to the Capital Saskatchewan Details
Southern Netherlands Details
Western Netherlands Capital Details