Day 752, 20:15 Published in USA USA by Teucer

Alright, so I've seen tons and tons of opposition to the new strength training options and I can understand concerns. I'd like to start by saying that it has only been an option for hours and nobody has a clue of how it operates (don't say you do because you don't, only the admins know). I'm going to address some of the concerns I've read and if you have another you would like my opinion on please post them in the comments. This is an opinion piece, so don't start trolling me out of ignorance, it only hurts your position.

Concern: This makes it too easy for people like Parter with a load of RL cash to own the game.

Response: While I agree that this will happen, I think that it will balance pretty evenly. The majority of people do not have a sufficient amount of money to spend on eRepublik to seriously affect the game in the strength category. Having experience with other games I can honestly say that for every guy who spends a zillion dollars to try to win he will be equally opposed by someone else doing the same thing.

Concern: The new plachta injections won't work, they can be bypassed and cheaters will still prosper.

Response: I also agreed with people on this point, but should we stop improving the game because people cheat? No we shouldn't. Cheaters will always find a way to prosper, if this is removed they will just find a new niche. We need to put some faith in the admins for a change (I know, it scares me too).

Concern: The admins just want to make more money, this will only hurt the game.

Response: If this were to hurt the game the admins would not implement it. Their goal is to make money in the long term, so if this killed the game that would not be accomplished. The admins did think this through, that's why it's in the game. Of course time will tell, but with only hours to go on it is impossible to make a definitive call.

Concern: What is with these seemingly random gold costs? Random isn't fair!

Response: I seriously doubt that the gold costs are random for several reasons. First, random gold costs are harder to program. Why would the admins make more work for themselves for no real reason? Second, I believe it is based towards a higher cost for newer players. This seems backwards at first because new players have less money, but it actually makes sense. I will provide an example for my reasoning.

Player A would gain 0.08 strength (0.04 normal gain times a 100% bonus) for 1 gold versus Player B who would gain 1 strength (0.5 normal gain times 100% bonus) for 1 gold. This doesn't make sense because the younger player gets far more strength gain for the same price, thus destroying any sense of fair skill building. By increasing the cost for the younger player it offsets the difference in strength gain, thus making the system more fair (notice I said "more fair", not fair).

Concern: There's no respect for older players who have put months and years into the game.

Response: This game is horribly unbalanced towards new players. There's nothing to keep new players interested in the beginning and older players are allowed to dominate the game just because they've been around for eternity. The biggest problem is that wealthy players who are young have nothing to use their money for, nothing to really shoot towards. Now those young players can invest in their future through strength building and subsequently help their nation. Instead of wasting money of often useless Battle Hero medals they can build themselves up and do more for their nation.

Jeremy R: Now I believe that the program works for noobs but it should be limited for higher strength players.

Response: Actually, it needs to be limited for lower strength players before higher strength players. Otherwise, young players with tons of gold will be able to grow to ridiculous strength levels in no time. The older players on the other hand still only grow at a snails pace, although a slightly accelerated one.

Again, if I missed any arguments please feel free to post your concerns in the comments. I do not disagree with people's opinions concerning this, I simply disagree with the logic behind the thought. I hope this was insightful and I'd like to see this in the Top 5 with all of the anti-strength articles.

Thanks for reading,
