Zolden93 is your choice for a greater America! Vote now!

Day 3,941, 12:10 Published in USA USA by Zolden93

Day 3,941

America deserves a better leader!

Two months and no results that is the failed legacy of our current president. We deserve a brighter future and we need our country back. Two months of failing is enough! Let's not let The Mike fail us a third time!

Zolden93 will make America great again!

Our goal is to make USA the most powerful nation that the game has ever had. America will be the absolute greatest dominating godlike empire that the world has ever seen. We will liberate our country with proper diplomacy. We will drain the incompetent swamp in our congress and we will make America great again!

Vote Zolden93 for president of the United States!

By Zolden93
The Patriot Tribune