zamrg has the experience

Day 923, 08:07 Published in South Africa Sweden by zamrg" />

If you haven't heard by now, I have declared my intention to run for the Presidency of South Africa in my original campaign article over here ->

It looks like we've got a tough election ahead with 3 candidates who are all more than capable of running the country; however I'd like to tell you why I think I'm the best man for the job.


I started my career in politics as an Intelligence Officer under the command of Minister of Intelligence Luc Praetor. I proved my value in this department with my activity, ability to work with other officers and members of government and my comprehensive background checks and notes on every citizen in eSouth Africa.

I was then offered the position of Minister of Intelligence which I served for three tough consecutive terms, aiding in preventing multiple political take-over attempts and operating the all new Department of Immigration. I performed my daily duties of tracking all new and expired applications, running background checks on each applicant and making my recommendations to congress." />


I have a wealth of military experience having served from the lowest to highest rank in multiple military groups, including the South African Armed Forces - Pretorian Guard & Assegai and the United States Armed Forces - the Training Division, Army and Airborne.

I spent a few terms as Chief of Staff of the South African Armed Forces where I achieved many of the goals I set out to do; some of which were to introduce co-ordinated attacks, have mass recruitment campaigns, boost the size and power of the military, have more frequent deployments, increase forum activity and make the military more self-sufficient with the expansion of military run companies.

I also ran the armed forces at what is arguably one of the toughest times in our history, the complete destruction of our country by a channer terrorist group. I assisted in the planning of joint allied operations which ultimately led to the complete liberation of our country and brought us to the thriving position that we're currently at." />

Vice President

I was offered the position of Vice Presidency under President GreyHunter's term, during which I served as Chief of Staff and Vice President simultaneously. The primary goal of this term was to liberate our country, an enormous task that we, with the assistance of our allies, managed to achieve. We spent the rest of this term re-building the nation, deploying infrastructure, working on international relationships and signing multiple mutual-protection-pacts with our allies.

I then stayed on as Vice President for the current term where we've continued to work on growth, stability, international relations and recovery from our recent downfall." />


I feel that I have more than enough experience in tackling the enormous job of running our country. I also have some time off now to put everything I can into my presidency, into achieving my campaign goals and adding to the continued success and growth of our country.

I wish all candidates the best of luck in the upcoming elections; however if you want experience running your country, I urge you to cast your vote towards me on the 5th of June." />


~ Vice President for 2 terms (06/03/2010 - 😉
~ Pvt. of Assegai, 1st Company, 1st Platoon (06/05/2010 - 😉
~ Administrator on the eSouth Africa National Forum
~ Developer of the eSouth Africa Broadcast

~ Former Chief of Staff of the South African Armed Forces (18/02/2010 - 05/05/2010)
~ Former Intelligence Officer (06/12/09 to 05/01/2010)
~ Former Cap. of the Pretorian Guard, 2nd Company (22/10/09 - 23/02/2010)
~ Former Minister of Intelligence for 3 terms (06/09/09 to 05/12/09)" />