Zammuel in Sindh

Day 760, 06:20 Published in Pakistan Japan by Zammuel

I was going to make a video for this like I always do with my congress candidatures, but my inspiration was lost. I might make one if I win (which is likely), I'm not sure yet.

Basically, here is the deal: There are a lot of people who might run for congress. Not all of them have good intentions, and not all of them understand or care about Pakistan's policies for citizenship. I don't adhere to any party and thus you should consider me an independent candidate - I support the Dioist's legacy to power as well as the great strides Ahsan and his party have made to seeing the country return to a respectable shape. But, I don't honestly feel like inter-mingling with either of them except at the most basic of levels.

I'm going to just say this really quickly and really simply: I'm here because, yes, I want a congress medal and I want five gold (one of which I will actually donate to Pakistan's national bank; so four, in reality). But, I am also here because I want to be a part of something that can actually use my help. I will not be making any propositions or any changes in Pakistan's government, but I WILL be a defense against PTO threats. By me getting into office, I will be extra padding to vote down any negative propositions. I will not give out citizenship to anyone before I contact Ahsan and/or BGBW (or the current president of the country) about it first and get their approval. And I will get 4 gold and another medal. I think this is a win win for us, don't you, Pakistan?

- Zammuel