Zammuel for Ryanggang!

Day 576, 22:45 Published in North Korea Japan by Zammuel
Greetings, people of Ryanggang!

I am Zammuel, and I am running for congress. You may not know much of me, so here is a bit of information about myself - I often have eRepublik open most of the time I am on my computer; I find the game fascinating, and the community to be an enjoyable mix of intelligent, sincere players, and humorous spammers (I can be considered both of those descriptions, depending on who you ask 😉 ). I frequently browse the eNorth Korean forums, and will soon become a more active and contributive poster there. I also as of now will be on the eNorth Korean IRC much more often. All in all, I am extremely active and relatively well-versed on the mechanics of the game, and I have all the best intentions for eNorth Korea.

Now then, my goals as a congressman are thus:

1: To comply with the wishes of the people, and our president, as long as I believe it is in the best interests of eNorth Korea.

2: To help establish diplomatic relations with our neighbors eIran and eRussia, should the chance present itself, and to help maintain peace within the country.

3: To see that the country maintains an adequate economy.

4: To be an active voter, and to stomp out any threat of PTO'ers winning the majority of congress.

eNorth Korea is still a new country. It is only now beginning to find its legs in the world, and I believe I can help this country prosper in small but meaningful ways. Vote Zammuel for congress!

Also, listen to the read, literal version of this article here: