Zambia Bound & Presidential Thoughts

Day 712, 14:34 Published in Israel Israel by Leroy Bloodshed

Awakening yesterday morning, I couldn't wait to finish packing my bags, make last minute calls and start my journey, a three hour trip to my "local" airport. That was 27.5 hours ago, seven cities and three nations ago. Ever have those moments when you wish you'd just stayed in bed? 🙂

*Flash* While sitting, sitting and doing even more sitting I've had more than one opportunity to think about the upcoming presidential elections. We as a nation have suffered some major setbacks that would have crushed the spirits of many, but our nation is made that of fighting spirit with a never give up attitude. We enter into a rebuilding phase, one that requires a head contractor (president) who oversees his engineers (cabnet) on how to properly produce the necessary foundation for success. Who will that contractor be?

*Flash* Ever have your luggage lost by the airline your flying? Why does this seem to be the only thing that they do well? If you take airline A flight 1, why does your luggage fly with you part way, transfer to airline A flight 6, then airline B flight 2 to finally end up on airline A flight 3? Oh, did I mention airline A flight 1 ended up in New York and airline flight 3 Philidelphia? Wait! There is indeed hope as this wasn't a mistake *cough* afterall. My luggage (must be flying first class, wish luggage racked up sky miles) we being flown in later that day, would catch another flight to France so it wouldn't have to follow me to the UK. Will there be a happy ending to this saga?

*Flash* We have a superstar packed rooster of presidential candidates, of that there is no doubt. Party lines have been drawn, bunkers reinforced for the upcoming onslaught. Wait a sec, if we have workers and contractors and engineers picketing and protesting in the streets, how can the division of our population benefit the rebuilding process? That made me realize, is my bid to be president more important than the unity of our nation? The answer was clear, no. Sometime in the future maybe, but not now. So I officially withdrawl my bid in the upcoming elections.

*Flash* Contrary to how the French are portrayed by the American media, they are extremly friendly and treat foriegners very well. Oh, the rumor of them smoking while eating, confirmed. So on to Lusaka, Zambia my final destination. You know everytime I visit a third world country, I end up bringing back with me some nasty little stomach turning, intestinal destroying crud that leaves me curled up into a ball in front of the toilet. I'll leave the details out and get back to my luggage, which if the 6 different versions of the same "we apologize for the inconvenience" stories are correct will have visited every continent before I have. So as I sit here typing away, I long to gaze upon a uniformed female attendant running through a field of grain holding my bags and feeling the embrace of my long lost love which contains my toothbrush.

*Flash* Having officially left the presidential race who would you endorse LB? There is no easy answer here my friends, each of you will have to vote for a candidate whos platform is closest in ideals and what you'd like to see done and accomplished this coming month. As for me, I publicly endorse and will be voting JMatH. Good luck to all candidates : )

*Flash* Will his underwear ever arrive? Will he spot a baggage handler wearing his socks for handwarmers? Your guess is as good as mine, but for now it's off to the hotel, followed by a trip into the bush. Lions and gazelles and flys oh my..................

Until the next time or next life (met my driver earlier, wow)

