Zacharia of the Norse [Interview]

Day 1,749, 08:33 Published in Sweden Sweden by Cmurgh

It is a normal cold and icy day in North when we arrive to visit the current president of Finland, a warrior some say a legend - Zacharia Raven. He is kind enough to accept us at his chamber and we have a cup of coffee and a warm chat.

You have been in this game for a long time now - more than three years. Tell us a little bit about Zacharia Raven. The face behind the mask and your journey in eRepublik.

I am 24-year old MBA student, and I have been playing erep actively in politics since 2010, aftet a year of two-clicking. I have been in congress 18 times, and in government few times.

Presidency is what I have always dreamed about, and aimed for. After this month I feel that you haven't really played the game unless you finish a term as a CP of your country. Everything you do and don't do coaches you for the term.

A few weeks ago we had the foundation of a “long desired” Nordic Alliance - Asgard - by Finland and Sweden. Now I know that there has been previous attempt(s) for such an alliance, but how did Nordic countries ended up in different sides - Finland and Norway in EDEN, Sweden in ONE and Denmark apparently neutral? How will coming from opposite alliances affect Asgard in the future and where are the lines?

Nordic Alliance has been a long-term project. In 2009 or so people were talking about Scandinavia-country, which would have been basically all nordic countries under invasion of one of them.

Current NA had been planned in secret by "former presidents" for six months. Until august hardly anyone in Finland knew anything about what had been planned, nor by whom.

Things started to escalate after I got into congress in August, and started to ask things. Eventually it led to me winning CP elections, and starting the whole thing from a scratch. Since it has been pushed so long, and congress had a positive will towards joining NA, I finally made the vote about leaving EDEN and joining NA.

NA is not nor will be based on what is good for Finland. This was made clear by me and other older players. Those who had been planning NA in secret were players who started around 2011. They are a new generation of "elites" who don't consider things on a larger scale in best of Finland.

Thus NA is basically "for fun and change" These were the only positive sides of NA I ever go from previous government. But since congress gave me no other way, I had to dedicate myself in making Asgard as good as possible.

Today Asgard is about northern unity. We have unified our military HQ, and I started larger scale discussions about unifying whole army. Nothing has been done in secret anymore, but congress and common people know what I know.

Sweden was part of EDEN, too long time ago. I don't remember why they had left. We never warred against each other though during that time. There has always been a sense of brotherhood and friendship between Sweden and Finland and Norway.

What is the position of the “powerful” countries - i.e. Russia & Poland - in the equation of our little new alliance? Where will they stand in time of war like the one we’re already facing against Estonia or any future wars in the north region?

Russia, USA, Poland etc define their own adjustment towards Asgard. Asgard is a neutral alliance, who has a war against ABC-alliance. We do not ask help from EDEN or ONE, but from current MPP's. Those who help, earn our respect and we will help them in the future.

As you said, Asgard is formed from ONE and EDEN. It brings many problems MPP-wise, but it only requires planning. We also have 3 month transition period, during which we can select MPP's for Asgard.

Norway seem to be the closest to be a future member of Asgard and we hear rumours every now and then about Denmark. What countries do you expect to join the Nordic Alliance in the near future or far future?

Like mentioned previously, NA is about change. Our congress and people wanted to try something new. For that it was logical to get closer with our neighboring friends. Norway should have been with us from the start, as they are basically co-founders. Their CP and congress wanted a safer start, I think. Had Finland done the same, there would no had been Asgard.

We hope that next month brings Norway to Asgard, so we finally become full.

I always thought the Finland vs. Estonia war was a TW, but then things got pretty serious. What happened? Did it have anything to do with the new established Nordic Alliance? At the moment war with Estonia seems to be very close and fierce, but they’re down to one region. What is the next move for Asgard?

Asgard vs. ABC. The least it can do is to make the game more fun! According to “Battle of the Alliances” they make 40% more damage than us. Realistically, how do you compare Asgard against ABC from military point of view. What are the goals? (regions, bonuses, …)

Finland has been warring Estonia for a long time, and Latvia has helped them. ABC is our natural enemy, so when Asgard was formed, we went on full war against the whole lot of them. It has been tough, and ONE has helped Estonia to liberate most of their regions.

We will not rest. Asgard will come hammering until the last bit of Lithuania is under Asgard rule.

From the military aspect ONE is stronger than Asgard. Estonia can't handle us on its own. We will wait until ONE has better things to do, we form strong MPP's and when we are strong enough, we will prevail.

Quick questions:

Favorite movie: don't have a specific one.

Favorite music: power metal (like Hammerfall, ManoWar, Helloween, Sabaton, Rhapsody..) Also dance music.

Favorite game: besides erep is Metal Gear Solid-series, and RPG-games like Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Neverwinter Nights, Gothic and older games like Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger.

Favorite books: are fantasy book. Game of Thrones is one of the best, but better still is perhaps Patrick Rothfuss's Kingkiller chronicles. Dragonlance I hav read the most, over 20 books.

For newcomers which one do you suggest to build/upgrade first: Training ground, (food/weapon) factory, Town center or Rocket factory?
Newcomers should build a WRM place, and slowly making enough money for training grounds.

If you are allowed to add/change a feature in this game, what would that be?
I'd add a cap to MPP's. Let's say maximum of 7 MPP's for a country. There would be a lot more excitement.