Yukon Pants: V3

Day 1,708, 05:53 Published in Canada Canada by Pants Magee

Why hello there,

As you may or may not know I am Pants Magee and I am running for congress in the Yukon. I have attempted this the past couple of months and have lost by 1 vote both times, so I need your support.

Why vote for Pants? Excellent question, Pants believes in equal MU finding, supporting allies even if it means we lose a region of two to the eAmericans.

"WHAT?!?!?" you says, "You are for losing territories" you exclaim. Well, No I am not, but the eWorld is bigger than just us. We need to give support as well as receive it. If that means losing one for helping a friend save thiers, I will do so because those are the guys who will help you fight for your province back!

I'm pro broliance, anti whatever this clusterf*ck we currently have is.

If you are like me vote for me in the Yukon!

P. Magee

PS, I can't load a picture from where I am so here is what everyone clicks on articles for
