Your vote counts - Vote Calew in Limpopo

Day 826, 10:27 Published in South Africa South Africa by Calew
UPDATE: I have enough votes to get a seat in congress. If you support me, vote Balon Swan instead.

It’s that time again; the congressional election is moving closer and the whole country is getting ready to elect this term’s congressmen. This time, as opposed to the last two elections, I’m running in Limpopo. As most of you know there are 40 spots to fill. I believe that I’m one of the 40 most suitable for these spots, and in this article I will try to convince you too. I think I have quite a few valid arguments, which I will present below.


To start off I would like to introduce myself, many of you probably already know me, but I’m not sure all do. So this will be a chance for you to get to know a little about my eLife.

I’ve spent most of my eLife in the eUS, where I served in the Airborne (one of eUS’s mobile branches) for 4 months, fighting for eUS independence in WWIII. During that time I spent a lot of time in the military and running a couple of high-Q companies.

3 months ago I arrived in eSA. I sold my companies in order to put more time into eSA military and politics, And since then I’ve done just that.

Commitment to eSouth Africa

One of the reasons that I would be a good congressman is because of my commitment to eSA. I’m not an RL South African, but in my heart I’m a true eSouth African.

During my time in eSA I have been elected to congress twice, worked as Director of Activity in the MoMD and worked my way up to being the Major (2nd in command) of the Pretorian Guard (our stationed unit).

I’ve taken on a lot of responsibility, but I never take on to much work. Because I want to do my very best at every task I take, and I’m sure many of the people I’ve worked with can vouch that I always do my very best for eSA.


I’m very aware that experience isn’t always necessary, and I’ve seen lots of examples were newcomers have done a better job than the most experienced players. But with that said I must push the fact that in this game experience can be very important. It can be very valuable in the decision process to know game mechanics and to have seen which effects a decision can have.

In the beginning of this month I celebrated my 1-year birthday in eRepublik. During this year I believe that I’ve experienced every aspect of this game. I’ve been interested in the military since the day I started, I’ve been spending a lot time in economy and I’ve been deep into politics for the last 3 months.


I understand that my policies are very important when you are making a decision about who to vote for. So I will give you a short piece of my full platform. My policies hasn’t changed since last election, so if you want to read the full policies you can read them here.

Economy – I believe in low income taxes and VAT, while I think we should have as high import taxes as possible, but in sectors where we‘re not self-sufficient we need to have lower import tax. I’m against government influential of the market, so I want to keep the number of government companies as low as possible.

Military – We need a strong military to help allies and to have some sort of resistance against foreign aggressors. But we’re still not strong enough so we need to rely a lot on our allies. I will always vote yes on a reasonable rise of funding for eSAAF.

Foreign Affairs – We are in need of daily training wars, which we get from SOL. SOL has also been loyal to us, so I’m pro-SOL. But unfortunately SOL can’t guarantee our safety, for his we need EDEN. EDEN has also helped us to regain our independence, so I’m also pro-EDEN.

Thanks for taking the time to read.
Your vote counts – Vote for Calew in Limpopo