Your Party Presidency Vote is Your Voice to the Party

Day 723, 06:34 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party

Party President Elections

ISP voters, this is your chance to influence party politics. Some of you will write off the election or not vote because "it is just another KITA Ikki landslide." At the very least, you're missing out on an experience point. Congress gets a bunch of those just for voting yay or nay on each "new citizen message" law proposal that comes up everyday. But that's not the real reason you should vote. The real reason is this is your chance to tell the party leaders what you want and support or disapprove of the party leaders. To gain your support, I will outline the party position on some current events:

The National Bank of eJapan, located in the Nihonbashi, the heart of Neo-Tokyo, scene of the dastardly crime

The theft of the national treasury has resulted in a realignment of the national budget. Coupled with the increased cost of MPPs--the alliances which protect our nation and provide for wargames will soon cost 100 gold PER MONTH--this represents a serious setback for eJapan. After securing the organization passwords, our new President, Dokomo, initiated the "Jump Start Japan Program," information available here in the national forums:

As usual, eJapanese citizens of all types, from the recently eBorn to wealthy businessmen, stepped up to help avert the crisis. Donations and loans poured in, and the government will do its best to ensure that it is all paid back once the government gets back on stable budgetary footing. I was also happy to see that many ISP members appeared on the donation lists.

"Give me all the money in my account!" or how some members of the old government apparently viewed the National Treasury

The Conspirators
Since the simultaneous hacking of four organization passwords is considered unlikely AND--perhaps one of the most genius details of this caper--one of the thieves was friends with one of the organizations involved in the theft, we pretty much know who is responsible. The main criminal "holding the money hostage" is Padraig_Pearse, who treated eJapan to this interesting ransom note for the money stored in the organization Treasury DoK. The Imperial Sun Party rejects these demands and condemns the theft as an attack on the foundations of our eJapanese democracy. The election results were clear. While there is no evidence that Lauri Mursu, the losing candidate, was involved, the conspirators worked behind the scenes--as they had for months prior to Dokomo's election--to ensure their power continued. They are basically using the "Treasury DoK" organization as their shadow Bank of Japan, denying the people of eJapan their national treasury.

Some conspirators have "outed" themselves with intentionally counter-productive behavior. Take this law proposal from Yonai Keiko, 10 JPY to the same organization that currently holds the money, timed so that the donation necessary to run the government would be delayed another 24 hours.

A number of other articles are out there on the subject:
-A Black Friday (read the comments in this one to see who did not really care if we found the people who stole the money or not)
-The Future Begins Now
-Arjay Phoenician's Grain of Sand article
-Bankrablás not just something the Hamburglar tries to do at McDonald's, it's Hungarian for "election losers should not give passwords to org thieves"
-Money Stolen I don't know what to say about this one, except it's hilarious on some level

We lost the election, what do we do? Let's steal the treasury!

Of course, we eJapanese reject this, choosing a more democratic form of government. That kind of government requires COMMITMENT, the kind that causes business leaders to donate in times of emergency--some rarely, if ever, do--and stops members of congress from quitting before the end of the term because they see something shiny in a place they would rather be. It is very important that eJapan have dedicated members of congress who finish out every term without resigning. Political observers will also note that Ty Lee, former ISP member of congress from Kyushu, also resigned after 10 days on the job. After confronting her, she informed me that she was unaware that it was such a big deal and would not have done the same had she known. I am a big supporter of helping new citizens be active, but I also ask that they meet me halfway--before you get into politics, ask some questions, don't just click "run for party president" or "run for congress" because you hit 14th level. Same goes for businesses--if you don't really know what you're doing, you're just
wasting time and money. Most of us are here to help because we are dedicated to our country and our ideas. Just ask questions!

Our Program
-The Military--The Imperial Sun Party will continue to support a fiscally-responsible budget for the military to help ensure our national security
-Business Enterprise--We will also continue to encourage businessmen to open up iron companies overseas in order to supply the eJapanese market with iron. The Iron Must Flow program has been highly successful so far and will help alleviate the dismal iron market in eJapan.
-Japan Election Commission--Congress is currently debating the appointment of exReality as the new Commissioner of this successful organization and how it will proceed in order to stop rogue congressmen. Please see the discussion in the national forums!
-Foreign Policy--The ISP supports a foreign policy that guarantees national security while also keeps in line with our Righteous Nation philosophy that is the foundation of our constitution. We hope the alliances like PEACE GC, Sol, and Eden will realize that good government is as important as a strong military.

I need a new campaign van...

Imperial Sun Party

Imperial Sun Party President