Your opportunity awaits...

Day 307, 15:37 Published in USA USA by Maxmillian VonWillebrand

So here it is folks ~ your chance to become a freelance writer and maintain your anonymity while reporting the news, the REAL news, to the world without having to worry about filters. I am starting this periodical with the hopes to give those people out there who have a voice and have the inside track, but might be afraid to use that voice for fear of retaliation.

PM me your news articles and I will publish them here without disclosing your names. Now everyone will have a chance to tip off the rest of the world to things that may be happening behind the scenes without having to worry about the offenders coming back at them personally.

I will only publish articles that have been written in a professional manner, so please, don't just send me 4 or 5 sentences, or a brief description of something that has happened. Send me a real article, worthy of being published, and it will make print. Editions will be published as there are sufficient articles to be printed.

~MV (Editor in Chief)