Your Opinion

Day 713, 06:33 Published in USA USA by Rozzlyn Cartier

I have been meaning to write another article to try and figure out how people really feel about the eWorld. For so many people it's a place where they are just trying to survive... they want to fight to support their country and their political views... but other than that, they don't know much.. So here's my question of the day: What's more important to you in this world? Fighting, and becoming a high ranking damage-doing monster tank? Or Talking, being the mastermind behind the strategy, organizing the citizens and becoming a powerful political genius?

Again, hailing frequencies are open. I want YOUR opinion. Feel free to comment that you voted (please do vote 🙂 and feel free to say "Love you Rozzy" That's always good too, but I want your opinion... tell me Tanking or Politicking, and if you want to throw in why you get extra cookies!