Your Guide to Real Estate in Japan

Day 572, 07:31 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party

Your Guide to Real Estate in Japan

Many of you have houses, most of you probably skipped Q1 and bought Q2, and some privileged few have Q4, and the truly great among us might even have Q5. I do not know, but I imagined what these quality ratings might actually mean, based on my own experiences in Japan and decided to write them down here for you. Please feel free to comment and correct me where I have erred or you otherwise take issue with what I have written. Most of all, enjoy!

No housing -- you are the loser who lives in capsule hotels or maybe if you're lucky, Internet Cafes, staying overnight and hoping the strange gaijin in the cubicle next to you does not snore. Fortunately they usually have a shower you can use, and the girl/guy over by the free drink machine is kind of cute, but you cannot stand the thought of drinking another glass of orange Qoo, free or not!

Q1 -- A tiny efficiency apartment somewhere in the suburbs or a modest condominium (aka マンション "MANSION") somewhere in the countryside (田舎), or if you are in Kanto region, anywhere in SAITAMA. If you are lucky, the wind does not blow your laundry away when you hang it out to dry. The room with the toilet also doubles as your shower.

Q2 -- A nicer apartment in a convenient location somewhere in the suburbs or a comfortable apartment in the heart of the city. At least you don't have to walk too far past the love hotels in SHIBUYA to find your place! And you finally have enough room to put your 炊飯器 (rice cooker) next to the microwave toaster instead of on top of it.

Q3 -- This level of housing in Japan means "multiple rooms," including a 和室 (WASHITSU, or Japanese-style room) with TATAMI mats to make your place feel Japaneezy. It also has all the appliances you need--a full-sized refridgerator (plus a Kimchee refridgerator for our Korean friends), an お風呂 (OFURO or bathtub), plus air conditioning and heating that works.

Q4 -- A luxurious house or deluxe condominium not far from the nearest train station--just 6 minutes walk--and the express train stops at this one! Or maybe your place is on one of the YAMANOTE line stations, MEGURO, perhaps? Plus, you can get all your groceries at the overpriced station basement grocery store on your way home.

Q5 - You live in ROPPONGI HILLS and people hate you for it, either because you're wasting a lot of money living there, or because you have a lot of money to waste!