Your Choice For Congress

Day 582, 04:34 Published in Russia Ireland by Shadowfang

Soon you will be asked to vote on who you believe is worthy to be entered into congress and who is good enough to represent you and your ideals in the eRussian government. This is entirely up to you and many people will try to convince you to vote for them.

I myself am running for congress in the Kaliningrad with CPSU but seeing as people are scaried of a socalist government right now i dont me or my party will succeed more than last time.

Those new to the game, Welcome to eRussia. Im glad to see your arrival to the eWorld and your efforts will truely benefit your country. But for the next day your duty is to choose a proper and powerful government. May you choose well. (p.s. Sorry for pinning this on you so early in your experiences but if you joined early this may not have happened 😛)

Right now the two main parties at war with each other is Free Russia Party and the Constitional Democratics. Both will try to recruit you at a young eAge and will drag you straight into the fray. Good luck if your roped in. Anyway I just want you to know these are not the only parties. You can join The Communist Party- Soviet Union or the rather newly changed Subakov's Brain Terror Party.

But if you want to vote for someone worthy, vote for someone you know and trust and someone who you know will do you proud. Thanks for reading and look forward to your vote.

CPSU congress canditate