You Should Just Quit?

Day 4,794, 08:37 Published in USA USA by George Barker

Going back on his word, and despite sending out a map showing Colorado as a gray, or "semi-safe" region like California, Nebraska, and Washington, Chickensguys has now given Colorado, home to about 20 active citizens and many companies, to Colombia. He did this without publicizing it, obviously because there's an election tomorrow and he knew there would be blowback, so he wanted to slip it under the noses of the voters.

This has been the way the leaders of this country -- all of them -- from bubblar to "krapis" (gnilraps) and now, chicken, have been doing things for a long time: implement policies behind the backs of voters, often telling them the exact opposite of what they're actually doing, and then present them with the fait accompli and say, "Isn't this terrific?"

We are bleeding citizens, at a faster rate than other countries. A look at the map, and "our" government, which is actually run by the whims of some overfed Serbian on telegram, tells you why: ordinary citizens just don't factor into decision making here, and it shows. This is what Groot (chicken's key advisor and main defender) said :

He's also said things like "new players don't matter" among many others. In Congress, it's now accepted policy that bot armies are more important than actual citizens. Which makes me wonder why: militarily, we can't compete against anyone, because the government's policies are at odds with what many of our best tanks want to do, so if we're losing with the bots, why are they so important? We could lose just as easily without them, and spare the expense and hypocrisy.

By and large, I think the elections are "rigged," in the sense that your vote really doesn't matter -- asteria runs this country, and whether you vote for the old establishment of USWP/Fed/SFP or the new, 🐔💩 establishment, it won't change that fact. But you ought to know that voting for either group results in the same slow decline, the same subservience, the same putting the interests of asteria ahead of the interests of actual citizens. And if I still lived in Colorado, or California, or Nebraska, or Washington, or really any region -- because what asteria wants asteria will get from these guys -- I'd vote accordingly. And I'd also start demanding genuine transparence, instead of the lies and backroom double-dealing we've been getting for many months.

Just to clarify, I'm not advocating that anyone quit -- that's what Groot, and the people who think like him, want. In fact, do the opposite: get more involved. Spend a few minutes asking if the stuff that's been going on is what you want, if it's in your interests. And then take action to do the best you can to make sure that they are. If the people who nominally run this place weren't afraid of your votes, they wouldn't bother with the propaganda and deception.