You scratch my back, I'll enjoy it.

Day 809, 18:44 Published in USA USA by TaKunCat

Money is the stuff everyone wants. If it weren’t it wouldn’t be money.

Are you trying to advance yourself in erepublik? Fitting with the role playing aspect of this game, that is what we do in real life so, I think it is safe to say you are. Perhaps we trying to teach people, who knows. The point of the game seems to be influencing people and events. There are few real consequences in this game but we earn respect, earn money and earn fame. There is real fame to be had in this game there is an occasional person that I can’t help but notice stands out.

If you want my respect I am much like everyone else, you either agree with me or I also imagine there is the option of convincing me you are right. If you want to influence my behavior it usually takes money because that is most of my short term consideration. My personal goals have been simple things like get some companies, get some money saved because I use money itself to make money and get stuff. I also used money to improve my rank. I thought that was a pretty good use of my money and therefore my time. Now I spend money on Lana and I wish I hadn’t bothered for the most part. I kina like my country to be successful in battle but generally speaking I am no more than 1/1000th of the battle and I have rarely mattered to the outcome.
There are also things I can learn from the game, I get a feel for lots of things. I like to predict outcomes and see if I turned out to be right. I like to show off my abilities and support to a certain extent those who I see as correct.
If you want to exercise influence or support people, do that. By the way, that is what money is for. What do you get for working for a group for free? Power struggles, and crying. Who owns a business that is owned by a group? Who makes decisions? Who can make decisions? People are bound in a straitjacket of a publik trust where they cannot use their position for self advancement I have a business that holds raw materials. I let a guy use it and that is how he uses it. How that will work out I don’t know. I think he is an honest guy but dilemmas are really only a problem for honest people. He has to hold something that is not his or anyone’s for some reason, in a company that is not his I think it is idiotic to hold Iron when you can hold weapons.
I remember an old Is This the Real Life podcast where someone was complaining perhaps even near crying about how they put so much time and effort working for free sacrificing health and time in game and out, working towards a goal and someone didn’t give them the respect that they had earned and had slighted them in some way. I couldn’t help but think they should have taken money. You should have got an agreement on what you were working for, as I recall it was an uncontested congress seat.

There are some major power players in this game who use outside gold to influence, Equality 7-2521 and parter for example. Perhaps none more successful than our current president Josh Frost. They bring cold hard cash which I have nothing but respect for. That is great. They used gold and they get to dictate how it is used. I wasn’t told that this is a secret and it is really nothing to be ashamed of. SEAL Team 6 was started and ran on Frost gold from his credit card. This is no indictment of his skills as a leader. He has had lots of practice and he is certainly not retarded. I have seen a few fails but who could possibly complain, he paid the bill. Josh Frost’s credit card bill, I am sure is or was quite large just as he says. He kept it up for a long time, long enough to have success and fame and reach the presidency. He bought my time and effort. I got some sweet guns for free back when I started I was rich and got guns for free. Towards the end of my time in the seals I was poor(unrelated to seals) and the free stuff stopped coming my way and was kind of expected to go the other way. There was a lot of hinting from the start there was pushing to raise funds for resistance war efforts. I can’t speak to other’s motivations but I wanted to be helpful but felt no obligation to give free labor I was not bought by free weapons and it became hard for me when I had interference between me and playing the game as I pleased (logging on). I don’t recall any agreements to give more, I think we shook hands and separated amicably, though I could have been more decisive and informative about my intentions. I don’t know if the rest want to keep up the glory days or have some sense of indebtedness but they are sacrificing and would probably rather not sacrifice if it was all the same otherwise.

Jules: You scratch our backs, we'll scratch yours.
Seth: Well Jules, the funny thing about my back is…….

Emerick and I go p far back. Perhaps he is just in jail, I should email him and ask, but if you want my uneducated guess why he left, actually, blame Lana. Lana “killed” Emerick. If you want to know about Emerick let me say this about his mind. He is a fricken genius Verbal Rhetorical and logical skills are all there. His ACT test probably had him scoring above 27 on English and below 17 on Math, kinda the opposite of me. I am not calling him stupid in an area to explain why we disagree, because I don’t remember disagreeing. He was not really into the business side of things. His managing of money and such was not there. He knew how to gather information and apply it, he played the money market and made money. He had a general feel for game mechanics but mainly relied on other’s analysis. It was quite a shock to me to be confronted by some shortcomings. I think this is why he advocated looking at the game and enjoying the game as a role playing game. In his own words though, when I offered to work with him to help him make money he said something like he“plays this game easy” or “likes to take it easy” . He was busy working the media he was not rich and was given lots of money by people who wanted him to use it. I sent him a PM asking him if he was able to train with Lana because it was showing in his strength. and I did not get a response quite some time before people announced his eminent death. Being a field Marshall was important to him and it was a major regret that he did not train as much as he could have summer before last. My guess is he spent money that was his on tanking, a responsibility of strength and leadership to do what he hoped others would do. Good Idea or not, I think he was not going to beg money and not going to do the classical threat to admin that admin change the game or he would leave. It was very important to him that he play the game as someone who had opportunities is required to do. I think he quit out of shame not too long after Lana which was not too long after I talked to him about my financial troubles.

My advice to you is to be profitable, You do not hurt productivity by making as much money as you can. Eph 4:28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. I have no special respect for people who do things sacrificially or charitably or not for profit. I told my boss that and he talked about giving out gas to some guys who ran out. That is great but that is not greater than working for money. Technically if it were he can only do “good” so many times before he has to go do something evil like working for money. Working for money is as good as if not better because it allows for the good. Otherwise he would run out of resources and could not continue. Your sacrifice is wasted on me, if you did it for free I don’t owe you anything, right?
In summary:

Money = what people want

Want respect = want money

Emerick > threatening to quit the game

Not saving money = No Emerick?

If you are back Emerick, you are not require do confirm or deny this but feel free.