You're in trouble now, EDEN!

Day 891, 01:50 Published in Germany United Kingdom by Dncelyn
Heilongjiang is being overrun by enemy forces, occupation is imminent.

So. You take down Hello Kitty? Is this truly a cause for celebration? I assure you, it is not.

For you see, Hungary was holding onto Heilongjiang (Hello Kitty) for a very special reason. A very special reason indeed... They were keeping The Dark Mistress from awakening.

(I speak of course, of Lady Gaga)

Now EDEN and Sol have awakened her, and all shall be consumed by chaos!

Already she rises from her tomb!

So congrats, Eden. God have mercy on us all.

Stop blockin' stop blockin' I don't wanna tank anymore, I left my MPPs and my gold in the Asian war.
Stop blockin' stop blockin' I don't wanna tank anymore, I left my MPPs and my gold in the Asian war.