You notice a poor man handing out newspapers...

Day 1,170, 15:47 Published in South Korea South Korea by Allen Wells

As you take one, you notice the newspaper isn't in the condition to be thought as new, but the date on the newspaper states otherwise. You flip over to the front and read the article named "Wages, enough for pages?"

Though I am not a teenager blogging on his poorly themed blogspot, I find I need a place where I can rant about my recent misfortunes, whether or not there are others who suffer the same or more.

After being fired another time for somewhat of a reason, (forgot to work for one day), I found another job, but not before seeing all of the job offers being 10 KRW. (Except for one, really, but it was 25 KRW for a Q4 food company!) I can only hope I don't "screw up" again, and that you all have got better wages. (Or companies.)

Happy Chinese/Korean New Year. I celebrate Chinese New Year by the way, take a guess why.

It takes you only a second to ponder and realise why.