You might not understand.

Day 1,800, 06:35 Published in USA USA by Sgt. Flatt
Hello and welcome to Spider-man Nation

Today I would like to talk about Erepublik politics. First and foremost, I do not understand Epolitics and I'm pretty sure alot of people don't either. So I have made a suggestion to all of you with a certain understanding to make a pre-party. The pre-party Is just to wait inside of to learn about Epolitics. If we were all aware most people wouldn't be blind voting.
Since that's off my chest

I would like to follow up by announcing something of very high importance

My good friend who is now disabled and missing a leg has come home and gotten all the treatment he needs. He is now making a prostetic paintball team for all that who have lost limbs. To be honest, U.S. Soldiers don't get as much recognition as they used to. Now days you can come home to a bipolar community of Thankfulness' or pure hatred. SO PLEASE if you seem a Soldier that is disabled, give him your thanks the most.

Now that that's over with i would like to talk about PTSD and random stuff.

There are more cases of PTSD that go untreated than there have been ever. You know why? Because we have liberalized the name of it to sound somewhat nice. It used to be Shell Shock (It sounds manly) and now we have, Post traumatic syndrome / stress disorder. (see sounds much more nice). And that's why!

To all you from the NY
Here is how to get around your no big soda laws. Get a refill!

Vote sub shout advertise!! Why?? Cuz I did this off my phone!