You Know You've Been Playing eRepublik too long when...(Part 2)

Day 1,197, 14:43 Published in Austria Austria by Albert Neurath

For Part 1, see earlier on in my paper.

1. You expect your employer to give you guns as a bonus for showing up to work each week.

2. When you land in the airport of another country, you wonder why the customs people don't ask you whether you want citizenship.

3. You explain to your RL boss that you missed a day of work because your internet server was down.

4. You tell people you are a part of the New World Order, and that you own several dozen black helicopters.

5. You tell people when you go to lunch that you're refilling your wellness bar.

6. When the name "Plato" is heard, the first thing that comes to mind is his tutorial video.

7. You explain to people in RL that the official religion of Pakistan is Dioism.

8. When your wife asks you why your credit card is maxed out, you openly blame it all on a prostitute named Lana whom you visit every day for "training".

9. You try to steal your RL country's gold reserves using nothing but a password breaker.

10. You go to Africa, and are surprised that it's not one gigantic flat gray plain.

Albert Neurath