You heard the Cat! Get typing!

Day 1,063, 19:52 Published in South Korea South Korea by Allen Wells

(Hopefully, this isn't happening to you.)

Our cat overlord Grease has just announced a prize for the most pleasing English and Korean article per week. (Judged by a panel of judges, who have yet to be revealed.) This being after Mirai Corp. passed all the details to us.

As stated before, these articles can be about anything and do not have specific guidelines, so what are you doing reading this? Open up a tab on your browser for your newspaper and start typing! (I advise you actually type your article on notepad or something in case you accidently close the tab...)

If you're not persuaded, here's some flattery...

- Everything you do is awesome.
- Your article will be awesome.
- You look awesome.
- You are awesome.
- Me love you long time.
- wright awsum artclez, n@o!

That is all.