You are what you is, You is what you am

Day 1,069, 05:41 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

In before someone says Frank Zappa. 😛

Responsible goverment, something we all want right? Damn right which is why I'm running in Ontario again. As I posted in my original platform I stand by my record to do the job, represent the people and get things done. Git'r done. Simple as that.

When you go to the polls you will get some choices, to use your own brain and vote for someone that will do the job or you can vote with a SVT. If you vote for a SVT you get something what you vote for, a random person picked by a party that might do something?

I asked Bob Barker for his views on SVT voting as I needed a second opinion

When stuff needs to be done, you know who will be there doing it. Vote aeriala in Ontario, SVT free.

I shoulda been a cowboy.