Yo Bro! The World Tour Stops In Canada

Day 707, 11:20 Published in USA USA by NeilP99

This article marks the first stop on my eWorld Tour. I thought it only natural that I should stop by and see our Bros to the North before going to some of my more distant locations, so I’m in Canada. (I wonder if the Admins would give me my moving ticket back since I could have just driven here?)

Canada is one of America’s nearest and dearest friends. Whether through the old Atlantis alliance or the new Brolliance the two countries have been united for longer than most players can remember. Together with our allies we fought back the virtually complete PEACE occupation of North America and even put Canada back on the map when it had been taken over. Our political and military leaders have historically tight bonds, and most citizens of the eUS look at eCanadians as great friends and great citizens.

A few constants that I hope to look at in each country that I visit are the currency exchange rate, the GDP, and the number of active citizens. I will be basing the number of active citizens figures on the voter turnout from the most recent election available at the time that I write the article, since this is the only accurate way to check this figure. I’m not counting citizens who are too low of level to vote both because of how many of them quit and because I have a life and don’t want to spend all day going through national citizen ranks trying to guess which of these low level players are still playing. If you don’t like it, tough, do your own eWorld Tour 🙂

eUS GDP: 5474.14 Gold
eCanada GDP: 1753.21 Gold
eUS Currency Exchange Rate (USD to Gold): 40.23:1
eCanada Currency Exchange Rate (CAD to Gold): 33.92:1
eUS Active Population: 3842
eCanada Active Population: 1226

While in eCanada I was also lucky enough to get to speak with Canadian Prime Minister William Duncan. I’d like to thank him for taking the time to answer my questions, and I think that they provide and interesting look at what things are like in eCanada.
Q: How is the rebuilding in Canada going after the PEACE invasion?
A: We have been making stunning progress. eCanadians spared no time or expense in getting our country up and running again. Since our country was wiped out, we have liberated 12 regions -thanks to our bros and allies abroad- all of them except for Nunavut, which I attacked this afternoon. We're now up to 3 Q5 Hospital regions, one of which was given to us free of charge by our friends in Sweden (we dubbed this Q5 Hospital "Our Lady of Sweden"), and someone told me that the United States' Congress voted to gift us a Q5 DS. You can't ask for better friends than that.

Q: How do you think the new Brolliance is different from the old alliance between the US and Canada?
A: The Brolliance is a different kind of alliance, hence the emphasis on bro. It was established by the predecessors of Gaius and I (Presidents Jacobi and Emerick) as being very personal in its nature, as those two Presidents fought and struggled to defend and liberate their countries. The cooperation required in strategy and coordination demanded the Presidents of eCanada and the eUnited States work together. The Brolliance is, therefore, more of a ratification of a brotherhood that developed during the war than an alliance that was meant to establish or create such a brotherhood.

Q: With Fortis gone how would you like to see the Brolliance expand to include other nations?
A: The nature of the Brolliance means any possible expansion will only happen when nations truly become bros, and when that happens, others can then partake of the bromance.

Q: In your experience, what is the average eCanadian's opinion of the eUS?
A: Very high. Most eCanadians are conscious of the sacrifices the eUS has made for eCanada, and quite grateful. I know I am. The recent liberation of Manitoba only served as a reminder of our two countries willingness to sacrifice for the other.

Q: Are you and American President Gaius Julius really as close as some have suggested?
A: President Gaius and I are pretty tight. I wish we could become tighter but being Presidents limits sometimes just how much time you can commingle. We trust each other and both work hard to ensure the Brolliance stays strong and continues to grow stronger. Our VPs, Derek Harland and Jewitt, are also pretty tight. It works well and I believe it will only get better. I personally know most of the eUS's political and military leadership, and have a lot of respect for them. President Gaius is no exception.

So that’s it for this stop on the eWorld Tour. I’d like to thank the people of eCanada for being such kind hosts to me. If I ever needed somewhere to crash for a while until the loan sharks stopped looking for me, I have a feeling I could count on my bros in eCanada. I’d also like to thank you all for reading, and I hope that your continue to follow my eWorld Tour. My next stop will be in what was one of the most powerful nations in the eWorld during its prime, and a nation that still commands the respect of many in the eWorld.