Yo, Australia

Day 743, 18:35 Published in Australia Canada by Daniel Hawkins

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Canada and Australia might have the strongest ties since, er... ever?

Hello to you Aussies, from Canada.

Who am I?

I am Daniel Hawkins, a member of the Canadian parliament, and a proud Canadian citizen. I have previous ties with the United States, particularly in the military and foreign relations. Although you may not know me here in Australia, I've been following your nation for awhile now as ties and relations have greatly improved between Australia and EDEN, in particularly, US and Canada.

Ever since we liberated Western Australia, we've built positive relations. Shortly after, you joined EDEN, and strengthened ties with the anti-PEACEniks. You've become part of the community, you've had your say, and most importantly: you've become a trusted ally.

What's the point of the article?

Australia, you've become a true friend, and a true ally, to not only Canada, but to the Brolliance and EDEN. We've built an everlasting friendship between our two nations, and we will continue to do so. We've worked with your government, we know what you're about, you know what we're about. We both hate Indonesia (c wat i did der?), and we've both had our entire countries nearly conquered. We've been there. We've done that. We've gotten stronger and moved on, and provoked our enemies while strengthening ties with our allies, and only benefiting from working together to kick former PEACE out of North America.

We know.

One day, Australia, you'll be a bro. It could be tomorrow for all I care. You're a bro at heart, to me, and I'm sure many other Canadians. In a sense, you're there.

In short, I want to thank Australia for all you've done for us in your short time here. We've gained a relationship to last forever, and it isn't coming down any time soon. You've been a great, awesome ally, and a true friend, to Canada, and all of EDEN. You're a very, very trusted ally, and you shouldn't be taken for granted, even if you do border Indonesia.

Australia, thank you.


-Daniel Hawkins
