Yesterday Was Fun...

Day 1,036, 04:47 Published in USA USA by Jacksondr5

I got up feeling refreshed, got all my homework done in time to relax, even got on IRC a bit to chat with my feddy ppls. Overall I felt happy.

[gloat] BUT THEN THERE CAME THE EPIC KILL FEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It started out with a 2 kill streak in 1 fight.

And then another kill.

Then Matthew Smith the Awesomeness had to pick on me when i was at 50 health. T_T

So I hunted him down for 7 turns, until I got this.

Turns out the rocket launcher was a waste of GOLD. 😐

But then I felt bad for using GOLD to win, and decided to play it fair.

Should I change my name to Jacksondr5 the Awesomeness?


I was told defeating him was a great accomplishment, so I had to post it. 😛
