Yeah, it's a viral infection..

Day 1,089, 14:00 Published in South Africa South Africa by Rico Suave

So I guess we all know by now that we're stuck with a bad case of the Huns.

How is this affecting you? Well, according to the Royal Society of Medicine these are the symptoms:

- Economy

Huns will drain the economy by regularly transfer funds from the host organism to external viral entities.

- Media

Huns will cause temporary visual degradation. Most likely you will have noticed that national articles frequently seem nonsensical.

- Military

Huns will remove the military capability of the host organism. In rare cases affected organisms have managed to separate the military from it's infected tissue.

- Politics

Huns will invariably cause a major reduction of competence in the national assembly of it's host organism

So why am I not giving up? Although Huns looks very much like Herpes simplex type 2 there is one major difference: Studies show that Huns can be defeated by a cohesive and well organized organism.

Hang in there eSouth Africans! We've been sick before but we always recover.