XIV: Endorsements...

Day 1,536, 16:53 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

ACCOMPANYING MUSIC: http://youtu.be/t1QJOI37k2M

Greetings and Salutations, America:

It's that time again, time to elect the next Country President. Here in the good ole USA, we have a five four-way race to reach the White House. Today's article will contain two endorsements: one personal and one from the U. S. Marijuana Party.

In a forum vote open to all members of the U. S. Marijuana Party that was opened for four days, the nominee for President Of The United States is...

Oblige took the nomination with 80% of the popular vote. Vanek26 and our own Code0011 tied for second place.

Congratulations and best of luck to Oblige on Sunday.

Decisions... Decisions...

It was a tough call for my own personal endorsement as four of the five candidates are all great players with great ideas. Aeriala is a former Canadian CP and a good friend of mine. Vanek26 is a military genius and has been the Supreme Commander of Terra and the Chairman of the National Security Council for months now. Oblige has been the CP of the USA for two months now and has been the Secretary General of Terra for multiple months, as well. Publius is Publius. Nuff said.

It made for an extremely difficult decision.


Oblige has grown on me and is an amazing player. His strength is definitely his management style and team-building techniques. Having worked in his Cabinet for two months, I can honestly say that Oblige has done a great job. In addition to the the 100/100 bonuses we now enjoy, Oblige has rejuvenated the White House Press Room. He keeps eNPR going by funding it entirely on his own which, coupled with the WHPR paper, there is always news coming from the executive every weekday. Oblige's presidency has been nothing short of remarkable, and I will argue against any reason to not elect him back for a third term.

So join with me Sunday for voting OBLIGE for Country President!


Join the US Marijuana Party for a different party experience. We believe in helping one another and teaching and mentoring new players. We want to have fun in an active forum and chat room. We are creating a place where it is fun to chill while learn. We will run people for Congress and help our members succeed. Everyone deserves a choice; everyone is important; everyone should be respected.

So come give a try if you are interested in a fun time or looking to get active in a community of active players. Recruiting is underway and we welcome everyone aboard the Magical Mystery Tour. Whether you smoke pot or not, whether you are old or young, whether you know your shit or are as dumb as shit... you are welcome.

Jude Connors
eRepublik's Favorite Hippie
Cultivator - US Marijuana Party

Click to visit USMJ on Facebook.

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