Xibbard IV. The Team.

Day 3,885, 14:10 Published in Norway Netherlands by Xibbard

Hello eNorway,

With this Article i would like to introduce my team for this month's term.
I wanted to keep things roling like they were, Thus i kept the team intact, Exzept for our MoF Zinitus, Who wanted a break.

CP - Xibbard
PM - Hans Erik
MoI - Xibbard
MoF - Taulen
MoE - Open
MoD - MdR
MoFa - Jaroslav Kolesnik
Advisors - Taulen, Bofal & MdR

Like i in my last article stated, my plans are simple:

First: I would like to keep our discussion regarding our TW's open, It is a public discussion so everyone with a forum account is able to participate!

Secon😛 I want to keep things going smoothly with +/- 5 MPP's, That i will pay for myself.

Thir😛 I want to keep everyone involved, That means that there will be a new Mass PM tread with anyone that wants to be in it, People should know what their Goverment is up to and doing.

1- The discussion is still open, everyone with a forum account can participate on our forum.
2- I will pay for any MPP's we sign, I am true to my word.
3- A new tread will be made soon.