Writers' Block is the Best Story

Day 987, 15:17 Published in Canada USA by rivere123
Forewor😛 I wanted to write an article in Canada- it's been so long since I've written here. I find that maybe meeting me at a new beginning is the most important introduction.

Writers' Block is the Best Story and the most appropriate voice. Sometimes it could be an effect of writing too long, others an effect of writing them self into a corner. Maybe Writers' Block is something like burning out- backed up against the wall, not knowing what else you can do. In the past weeks, many great eRep Citizens have burnt out, and those that managed to remain are empty shells of their prime, or two clickers that might just wear away- I'm hoping this is not the case for me. Before I begin this article, I would like to say that this will not be the usual picture story, and I don't mean to sound like a drama queen.

It's strange that at one of the happiest times in my life, I'll write my saddest article.
I come to you at a time after I have done a little work in eRep. Nothing much... in the end it put me on a hiatus from eRepublik for a few days. During the hiatus, I thought about what could possibly happen now in eRep as I two clicked. My life was becoming much more busy, and it continues to with no end in sight.

Maybe I just burned out, because I felt I should quit- as quick as I could, throwing all of my eLife to the wind. Maybe I just felt I could do more- I really thought about running for president in upcoming months. Maybe I thought I was too busy- I wanted to go to two clicking.

Should I just quit altogether?
This is what I asked myself- but I knew I couldn't do it. I never did like to complicate this game with much seriousness, but who knows- maybe I need to be more serious. Quitting probably would've been a good thing for my life, but I'll go with the oldfag excuse and say I met some awesome people here I don't want to abandon.

In Conclusion...
This article hasn't been as long as I wanted, but it'll do. I needed to address the stuff going on. But in the end, quitting is still a strong possibility. Right now, though, I want to declare- I am going to make my paper and political career grow as much as I can in the next few months, to make sure someone remembers me when this crazy year is over. Heck, maybe I can see the presidency in my grasp, or a media mogul. Maybe I'll change up my life and leave the country. So maybe I'm not quitting, maybe I am. I want to thank the people trying to keep me staying- but this game is turning into a memory for me, I can feel it.