Writer's Strike!!!

Day 258, 10:10 Published in USA USA by ZSandmann

I am a newer member of the media for certain. So many would be inclined to say the value of my words is less than the value of the commodity. In this case the commodity in question is the spread of knowledge through the written word. My first article in The Sandbox was general enough, just an introductory piece. Call it Human Interest. But since then I have lost no less than three articles I have sumbitted. They have vanished into the ether to be enjoyed by Amelia Earhart, Jimmy Hoffa, and the inhabitants of Atlantis.

So I am hearby turning in my press credentials and cap until such time as the grand controllers may decide to fix this problem. I am to assume this will not be until public release but it that is so, so be it. I look forward to sharing my stories, and hope this issue is delt with in a timely and effective manner.

Good day to you all.