World War V?

Day 867, 16:59 Published in USA USA by Glove

We'll I read Max's article a couple days ago and it's contents are 100% legit if you are not yet aware. A part of me wants to believe that its all lies, but its not, unfortunately. However, I don't think the participants in the chat represent their nation appropriately, I was looking through the presidential election results so far for Spain and currently Carl Friederich Gauss is in the lead with 41.52% of the votes. This guy seems to be Pro-Eden and I don't have any reason to believe he'd consider attacking the Usa. Just from seeing the presidential results, I am convinced the Spanish still have some faith in the Usa. Poland on the other hand is a different story..kind of scary actually. adios_pl is currently in the lead with 50% of the votes.

adios_pl advocates the expansion of Poland into the following:
Which of course are all regions currently owned by the United States.

It seems adios_pl will be getting his wish, he is going to become King of Poland and his transformation will be like this:

I hope his goals are just for the lolz, but Max's article seems to prove otherwise.

It is very possible that World War V is just around the corner. This time it might not even be Phoenix vs Eden, but rather America and her friends vs Phoenix and former American friends. Phoenix purposely leaked this message and if you believe they didn't, then read the comments (if your computer doesn't crash) on Max's article, all the leaders acknowledged that they participated and that the content is legit. Why would they do such a thing you might be thinking? Mostly, they are playing with our heads. The more we view Eden as a hostile alliance, the harder it will be for the American public to cooperate with it and fight Phoenix. We have already left the alliance, now the next step for Phoenix is to get Eden and America at war with each other. They would love to see Polish and Spanish forces in a war with the Americans, so that they could steamroll over the warring nations and do as they please. No matter what happens, we as a nation cannot fail, we simply can't. We survived with only one region before, we can do it again, and we will come back even stronger.

Remember this guys? We cannot, will not let this happen again!

If there is to be a war, it will be like this.

Max did a great thing by publishing his article. We are now all aware of what we could be potentially facing, however we should not let a few guys determine how we view a whole nation. I'm sure there are plenty of Spanish and Poles who are still pro-America and we should work towards restoring our confidence in one another. Just because we are out of Eden doesn't mean we're enemies. We must assume the worst though and prepare ourselves. Karnataka is one of the three pillars of Asia and I urge all of you who have not yet moved there to do so. It is the only high iron region we have and is vital to our economy.

For all of you who haven't done so, here is the form to get the moving ticket to relocate to Karnataka.

If the Spaniards and the Poles do indeed decide to fight us, I think the bigger threat is the "army" Phoenix has in store for us.

I managed to take a picture of them in a training war.

Note: They are all bots. 🙂

If war does break out, I'm sure we can rely on the brolliance.

Thanks for reading.