World War 2-Part the Second

Day 471, 21:34 Published in USA USA by Al-Iksander
The New World waits with baited breath as the two giants, Indonesia and Romania stare each other down, daring the other to blink in this game of chicken. Mark my words, when they come together, it will be an epic clash.

I just wish that I could believe that it will happen as soon as they say. Several times the citizens of the New World have been waiting for that moment to strike that spark which will ignite the whole world, and that spark has been lit only a few times in the history of the New World, in the two World Wars. I have only been here for the Second World War, but it was still an interesting time, once the fighting started. Especially when Indonesia ambushed Argentina, after months of no battles declared. It would appear that we are going to step back into the fray soon, still technically part of the same war since there was no official declaration of peace between ATLANTIS and PEACE GC.

As for this resumption, yes there will be epic battles to see who can tear down which wall first. But more importantly, there will be the "proxy" wars, the resistance wars started in regions occupied by opposing nations. Indonesia and Romania have the most extensive empires, with Indonesia spanning several continents now. Resistance wars do not just mean lost territory; they can deny the occupier important productive regions that are key to the war effort, which leads the occupiers to a dilemma. Do they continue the battle between behemoths, and risk losing the areas key to maintaing that clash? Or do they stamp out the proxy war, possibly losing much gold to freedom fighters, as well as having their attention diverted from the main battle?

What happens if, after exhausting themselves on the field of battle, another power swoops in? They will have to make sure that this cannot happen, that after they win they can secure their number one spot. And that will be tough, since many countries will be gunning for that position, indirectly or not. So will it be worth it?

In the meantime, what of their allies? Will they take advantage of the confusion to pursue their own agendas, or will they stand loyal to their allies?

Personally, I cannot wait to see what happens. I just hope we will not have to wait through another series of cold wars.

*Eppur Si Muove
And Yet It Moves*