World of Quotes (First day)

Day 1,035, 20:14 Published in Canada Canada by Lord of Painkillers

i have decided that everyday i will publish a trio of quotes they will vary from peace to war and even politics i do not expect this to get insanely popular but i hope it will get people thinking.

every day i will start to release 3 and put my interpretation behind it. starting......... NOW

lets set the topic on government today for the first 2 and end it with some philosophy and you can think about that on your own, enjoy

#1) Democracy gives every man the right to be his own oppressor.

this quote is by James Russell Lowell and i interpret it as people didnt always have chances to choose right and wrong but with democracy we get to decide the fate of our own country if not change it a little.

#2) For in reason, all government without the consent of the governed is the very definition of slavery.

now this quote by Jonathan Swift had me thinking on what it meant and i think that this is just very basic saying that if we dont listen to the people then the people therefore are nothing but slaves

#3) Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. written by Henry David Thoreau now think about this last one and comment what you think it means

In the comment section BEEELOW!!