World of Quotes (Day 4)

Day 1,038, 15:17 Published in Canada Canada by Lord of Painkillers

hello and welcome back to world of quotes i would like to thank all the people who voted on the topic for today *cough deckadad *cough.

the topic for today will be dictators like stalin, hitler and fidel castro, so shall we get started?

#1) Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem.
Joseph Stalin

how right this soviet leader is, though this leader was ruthless and harsh he also had a great mind and even though this answer seems slightly obvious but its right no man no problem

#2) I think that a man should not live beyond the age when he begins to deteriorate, when the flame that lighted the brightest moment of his life has weakened.
Fidel Castro

Castro points out something good here why sould someone live who isnt useful, if they are depressed and want to die let them, if they are too old and want to die let them, eeven though the subjects of todays quotes are ruthless and efficient it doesnt mean they arent geniuses

#3) He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.
Adolf Hitler

Hitler is right on this children are our future, hitler during WW2 used children as young as 10 if my facts are correct, he might not have been using them properly but he managed to convince them to throw their young lives away for their country, if canada had that kind of commitment we would be feared among the world.

thats all for today and i hope you enjoyed World of Quotes remember to leave what you think of these quotes in the comment section BELOW. HIGH FIVE!