World of Quotes (day 2)

Day 1,036, 13:08 Published in Canada Canada by Lord of Painkillers

welcome to the second edition of World of Quotes today i will set the topic on war and army because the world of eRepublik seems to be getting violent again, LETS THE QUOTING BEGIN

#1) Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
John F. Kennedy

this statement by JFK really makes you appreciate how smart he was and the tragedy behind his death, but i think this quote has meaning to it, i think it means that you have to forgive but always watch out for something to happen again.

#2)I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.
John Adams

truly inspirational, John Adams as i see it ( and i think you all see what he is saying too) he pretty much says that he puts his personal importance behind him so that we may have freedom.

#3) The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.
Joseph Stalin

the words of communist leader stalin, what he says is true, if one man dies many people are sad but when many people die people always decide to look at it as a problem that needs fixing and usually it is caused by war.

thats all for today so remember to tell me what you personally think these mean, in the comment section BELOW!!!