World News

Day 1,662, 09:40 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by KIDE777

=============== Congratulation eSK: Freedom for Jeju ===============

First off!! I want to congratulate eSK for their first region over all these months of independence struggle!

Yo my eSK brothers, let's shout with me together: Merdeka!!! (믈데카 means 자유!)

But the bad news is, eRoC is already making vote for NE-ing eSK. Most of you may already knew this: eSouth Korea must NE-ing eRoC too soon since you don't have enough MPPs by now.

One thing that can be said by now: Defend Jeju with your all. Keep doing RW.
Make eRoC experience hell in your regions!! 😃

Akhirnya salah satu region eSK berhasil dibebaskan. Namun kabar buruknya eRoC sudah siap meng-NE eSK yang sekarang masih punya sedikit MPP dan kesulitan menghubungi CPnya yang notabene bukan orang Korea asli.
Yuk, kita tetap dukung saudara kita eSK.
Freedom for SNSD!! xD

We're always be with you.

Hail eIndonesia!! o7
Hail eSK!! o7
Love ya ♥ 소녀시대! :3

==================== eTurkey is ERASED ====================

The battle has reached it's climax. Just a few hours before Jeju's freedom, eTurkey was erased from the map by eBulgaria. I don't know whether it's a good or bad news since eTurkey was our friend too.
We're pro eBulgaria anyway. 🙂

Sekitar jam 11-12 siang sebelum lepasnya Jeju, eTurkey berhasil diratakan oleh eBulgaria. Setelah berbagai drama mereka selama ini, akankah ini menjadi akhir dari konflik mereka?
Kita nantikan saja kelanjutannya
... 😉

==================== Run Devil Run ====================

After Andina is released now, the official order is IGNORING the battle that Amazon will open soon, and RELEASING Pacifica. (warga eIndonesia baca bawah!!) A media said that we're running and running away again as a chicken. "If they know they will flee from Brazil every time, why do they insist on coming to South America?" they said.
Just wait for our little surprise. 😃

Sebuah media di eBrazil mengatakan bahwa kita adalah pengecut. "Jika mereka tahu mereka akan lari dari Brazil terus, mengapa mereka bersikeras untuk datang ke Amerika Selatan?" kata mereka. Sejauh yang mereka tahu, we must avoid eBrazil, kita akan lari dari mereka.

Tapi dari sumber terpercaya di eIstana Negara, sepertinya order
"IGNORING the battle that Amazon will open soon, and RELEASING Pacifica" bakal segera diganti sama pertahanin Pacifica terus main2 bentar ama eBrazil. Lagian yang bisa eBrazil serang cuma 3 region krn kita udah ngelepas Andina.

RW di Pacifica dibikin biar eColombia gak isa serang region itu, kalaupun mereka nunggu RW Pacifica selesai baru serang, keburu eMex yang bakal turun tangan.

Watch & listen the order well! o7

==================== eColombia ====================

From their CP's latest press release, it's looked like they're very cautious about attacking eVenezuela since we can use them as stepping stone to Europe battlefield. They don't want their allies see them as traitor.

Dari koran CP eColombia, tampaknya mereka berhati-hati dalam keputusan menyerang Venezuela. Mereka sepertinya takut kalau-kalau sebenarnya kita ingin ke Eropa untuk membantu kawan di sana.

==================== eJapan ====================

Looks like this case is spread throughout the world. As eJapan gets her regions one by one again, a lot of older players have came back to play. And the issue is-like always-most of the older players didn't listen to the new ones.

Cerita lama. Semoga hal ini tidak terjadi di eIndonesia. Jangan ada jarak dan dusta (eh?) di antara kita. xD

==================== I-post ====================

Surprisingly, this n00b first article was enlisted on TOP NEWS!!
Without any vote buying, gift, or something similiar.
Sebagai nubi tercakep (kata orang sih nubita) saya merasa sangat terharu.

Thanks for all the support, and please VCS.
Silahkan vote, sub, dan mencaci-maki di bawah. \o/