World after world

Day 330, 03:14 Published in Norway Finland by Juse L

A fictive story about v1 world.
Couple of days ago we saw something we wished never to see. Some of us were coming home from work, some finishing their practices at the shooting range and others of us having a good dinner amongst our friends and families. Everyone was waiting for a bright dawn to come. Did not. Just a bit after midnight the faceless warriors came. They ransacked our homes, looted everything they found and burned our houses sending us under smoke-covered sky. Thank almighty they seemed to be in a hurry, forgetting to rob our firms and stamp our fields while also leaving our bank accounts untouched. I started to wander around, jumped into a broken car left behind by those terrorists, probably because it was broken. I managed to fix the car and drove off.
Near Mikkeli, I made a panic-brake, because there was a guy lying on the road. In a moment of anger, I stepped off the vehicle and approached this figure with an intention of giving him a lecture and a good whip for fooling with the road safety. Anger quickly faded away, when I saw this man's sorry form. I picked him up and invited him in the car. He offered me a cigarette and started his life story. He was a Norwegian gift factory employee with a fancy castle back home, just put his life savings for building summer house here in Central Finland, making his living worth Q4. These warriors burned down both his new summercabin and his castle. He was planning suicide after noticing that these goons had stolen his foods and ticket to home. Then again, with what weapon. I felt sorry for this pennyless former richman so I invited him for the ride.
Many miles passed and we stopped in a town near the former three-county border of eNorway, eFinland and eSweden. A Swedish mother with two children was sitting by the roadbank. The family had lost all its food to the looters and rather downhearted mother saw the future of her family dark and grim. Nearly week ago she had lost her job. The already scarce food reserves went literally up in smoke just a few hours back. Now she is in the mercy of alms or the unspeakable happens. We had little to offer, but we decided to give this family a lift to the Tromso, where she had friends and relatives. Hope she is all right now.
The Norwegian gentleman also got off in Tromso and I decided to get back home. Few miles after I was out of gas. I started hitch-hiking. I was picked up by eRussian trucker going to St.Petersburg. A firmowner himself. We had a long talks about the current state of the world. "It sure was easier and more lucrative for managers back then. I hope my firm is able to evade the bankruptcy, since many of my workers are young and feeling not too well, especially after the recent", he said. Also the politics came up. "Now we have a common direction, eNorwegians I mean. We want our property back. I wish there is someone who can help us."
Trucker dropped me off near Helsinki. It was already morning. I met two mercenaries walking home. These warriors of two foreign wars had to stop fighting much before this nightmare started, lotly because global cease-fire declaration. These two had come in eNorway for working, and had already bought tickets for going back to warzone. Yes, the cease-fire ended, but these two was, like all of us, robbed, losing their fine arsenal and the tickets. They seemed utmost frustrated because now they are forced to work a dull everyday job for a long time, if they want to get back fighting.
We all have same wish for you, dear admins: give back our properties, livelihoods and lives. Stop this nightmare today.