Working: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the wheat.

Day 1,206, 05:15 Published in South Korea South Korea by Allen Wells

I'm happy. I don't own a single company, but I usually work everyday with 100 health anyway because it's not hard and it's beneficial to everyone. According to the monetary market, I make just enough to afford the 50% training booster, and I'm quite content with that.

Well, hey. I thought it was cute...

Sometimes, I look at the pages of other people and see that they've got an almost absurd number of companies. I wonder how they even manage to manage all of those companies.I don't think I could run a single company myself, so a worker's life is the life forever I'll be.

Metal Scythe with an improvement to farming anyone?

I'm satisfied. Are you?

The people who know the nature of this show probably won't be very happy...Oh woe is me, I cannot stand the irony.